(beta).  YouTube for the extra wide screen!

Version Information

Latest Version | VidzBigger on | VidzBigger Chrome Extension

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0.053 Viewing Version:0.053
Version URL (current): (about/view)
0.053 Alternate URL:
0.053 Quick Notes:Fullscreen Mode Bugs
0.053 Extended Notes:Fixes a long lasting bug I never encountered [until today], where if you have auto snap fullscreen disabled, and you happen to leave a page while in fullscreen (or disable auto snap fullscreen on scroll, and then leave the page while in fullscreen mode by some mysterious method) mode, its possible to become permanantly stuck in fullscreen mode. Neato!

If Anyone who is still having problems with videos starting or stuck fullscreen after upgrading needs to go into about:config and search for fullscreenmode and make sure its set to false. This update resolves this issue.

Some details can be found here: vidzbigger starts maximized

Video descriptions now also auto expand (again). Donate today and share the love of bigger video. You can friend me on facebook now too, although I definitely prefer $ to fans; and thats not actually insulting. I would fan myself but that would be like trying to sell something. ("fan" me with pesos) at any concievable rate.
0.054 Viewing Version:0.054
0.054 Alternate URL:
0.054 Quick Notes:-Broadcast
0.054 Extended Notes:Simple improvement that speeds up node position setting a little, although the flash video still gets reloaded.
0.055 Viewing Version:0.055
0.055 Alternate URL:
0.055 Quick Notes:-Broadcast
0.055 Extended Notes:Several improvements to the auto fullscreen on scroll feature, +chrome specific enhancement (although its still somewhat broken support for sizing and positioning (with margins) a flash element sinultaneously)
0.056 Viewing Version:0.056
0.056 Alternate URL:
0.056 Quick Notes:-Broadcast
0.056 Extended Notes:A fairly major upgrade, and the release of Google Chrome support. You can now select a multitude of different formats. You can selectively disable any format via the qualities part of the menu.

Sorry no JSAPI support in Chrome yet.
effected: (playlists, external controls, buffered type prevent-auto-play)

[For those features use the Firefox UserScript for now. A hacked auto-advance feature is possible without player communication, however would still advance even if you paused the video... unless you pressed a second pause button to stop the redundant countdown as well, I'm hoping for true JSAPI support instead...]
0.057 Viewing Version:0.057
0.057 Alternate URL:
0.057 Quick Notes:Better support for More Sites
0.057 Extended Notes:@Scott: Basic featherlight support has just been added.
@The Emperor of Chaos: Hulu support should now be "good enough" to read the page without loosing video.

Other sites are either working or less broken.

Other than that there were some minor fixes and increase compatibility overall.... Still waitng for @run-at document-start for Firefox, and the YouTube JSAPI in chrome, which requires functions that the Flash Player can communicate with...
0.058 Viewing Version:0.058
0.058 Alternate URL:
0.058 Quick Notes:Incremental Improvements
0.058 Extended Notes:Adds features for user profile pages that can be enabled to keep the video on the screen however does not work well with some profiles
0.059 Viewing Version:0.059
0.059 Alternate URL:
0.059 Quick Notes:Incremental Improvements
0.059 Extended Notes:Some incremental improvements and includes basic vimeo support
0.06 Viewing Version:0.060
0.06 Alternate URL:
0.06 Quick Notes:Support for a Play Next Feature
0.06 Extended Notes:A play next button appears next to videos, one vdeo can have its play next button selected to queue a single video
0.061 Viewing Version:0.061
0.061 Alternate URL:
0.061 Quick Notes:Bandwidth saving update
0.061 Extended Notes:This update provides a much needed improvement.
0.062 Viewing Version:0.062
0.062 Alternate URL:
0.062 Quick Notes:New features
0.062 Extended Notes:This version includes the new feature to persistently update which use to be always on and non-disableable. Now by default updates can only occur ever 550 miliseconds, if you check the box under instant layout to persistently update you will then get updates as frequently as possible with no 550ms limit on update frequency. The new limiter should improve scrolling so that the page scrolls more smoothly and the video position is updated less frequently.

This version also supports a great new feature to allow you to log in. If you look under TopVidz in preferences you will find that there is a new login button in addition to a new myvidz button. These buttons should allow you to track your video history. To logout click the login button again and you will find the logout link! Enjoy the new features!.
0.063 Viewing Version:0.063
0.063 Alternate URL:
0.063 Quick Notes:New features
0.063 Extended Notes:This version might break your login if you had a password saved! Sorry about that, once more its whether we use www or not, which could ultimately be a preference, so let me know if its especially frustrating. This version improves a lot of stuff a little bit but I think its an important update. Auto snap fullscreen on scroll is a lot easier to avoid now, also there is a practicaly useless new preference to use Position Absolute for the video instead of Position Fixed which is a pretty useless feature but at least its implemented. If you ever were getting a blank white page sometimes this update also includes a feature to reload that page automatically to avoid having to press referesh yourself which might help. This version also includes a few other optimizations and improvements to other funtions and supports showing the page footer again if your having trouble with that. All around I think its a pretty solid update for now. A little bit of pre-compilcation could still go a long way.
0.064 Viewing Version:0.064
0.064 Alternate URL:
0.064 Quick Notes:Fixes
0.064 Extended Notes:This version should provide some nice improvements
0.065 Viewing Version:0.065
0.065 Alternate URL:
0.065 Quick Notes:Fixes
0.065 Extended Notes:This version should provide some nice improvements
0.066 Viewing Version:0.066
0.066 Alternate URL:
0.066 Quick Notes:Fixes
0.066 Extended Notes:This version should provide some nice improvements
0.067 Viewing Version:0.067
0.067 Alternate URL:
0.067 Quick Notes:Fixes
0.067 Extended Notes:This version should provide some nice improvements
0.068 Viewing Version:0.068
0.068 Alternate URL:
0.068 Quick Notes:Fixes
0.068 Extended Notes:This version improves the accuracy of the scroll indicator along with fixing bugs that prevented opperation on certain URLs